It's past 10pm on a Tuesday night. You know what that means? It's time to analyze every single aspect of my life and question every decision I've ever made, whoop whoop.
I'm an adult. Goodness, isn't that bizarre? I'm a full-functioning adult who's legally old enough to do adult things, like ride a mechanical bull. Or, drive to the store to get a family size bag of pretzel M&M's all for myself.
When I'm not obsessively looking at the Twitter hashtag #cancelstudentdebt for funsies, I think a lot about life and the grand scheme of things. I'm a young grasshopper who's 22 years old right now. I have a long road ahead of me in figuring out what I really want to do when I grow up to be 150 years old.
Why do we only ask young people what they want to be when they grow up?
I'm still figuring out what I want to be. We should continuously strive for what we want in life. I'm not stopping simply because I'm over the age of 18 and have a job.
Lately, I've been telling my sister how I want to run away to Hollywood. That's a thing people do, and I kind of want to be these people. Financially, this is not possible...but it's fun to imagine.
I even think about quitting the business world and working in some small mom and pop bakery. I could learn the ropes, become a daughter-like figure to the owners, and have the bakery passed on to me. I'll then carry on the legacy, introduce new products, and become a tourist destination in the middle of nowhere.
As you can see, I'm doing a lot of thinking. I want to be a lot of things, and I will do all of the things I'm dreaming about because life is a journey. I'm exploring one trail now, but there are a ton of parks nearby that need to be explored too.
If you want to do something, I say go for it. It doesn't matter who you are or how old you may be. If you want to run away to Hollywood, I say TELL ME. We can carpool together and carry portable toilets to prevent pitstops. I'll even bring those M&M's I mentioned earlier. It will be weird sharing a family pack with another person, but I'll manage.
You can be anything when you grow up, and there's a lot of growing up to do in the future.